Tina has been drawing cartoons since childhood. From the school magazine to college publications; and now professionally for the last 2 decades. We have had some wonderful opportunities to work with the most coveted organizations, samples of which are included in the comic portfolio and below.

Caricature comics for Abott’s annual team meeting. These were used as mailers to build up to the event.

The cartoons features caricatures of their management and staff.

These cartoons provided a lighter break to the Woman’s guide to personal safety, brought out by the 24 Secure Publishers.

Cartoons for their product presentations highlighting the product usage.

CLIENT: Vestergaard Franderson and Vestergaard Asia 

These cartoons provided a lighter break to the Woman’s guide to personal safety, brought out by the 24 Secure Publishers.

Cartoons for the BBC World Service Trust, UK for the Handbook for Working Journalists in India. The book is authored by Julia Paul.
We also did storyboard and animatics for the BBCWST Delhi for a few years.


Cartoons for One World South Asia‘s Telecom Project Report.

Cartoons and Character for the Delhi Disaster Management Association Mascot, the DDMA Man for UNDP. Completed in 2005.

Cartoons for American Writer, Fred Beckner’s book on the American Economy, Completed in 2006.


Cartoons on environment pollution, published in Srishti, Creativity in Nature, Magazine published quarterly in both English and Hindi.
